Friday, March 9, 2012

Types of Sleep Disorders

Last post we already knew about sleep disorder. so now, it's time to talk about the type. :B
Well, there are two main types of sleep disorder, primary and secondary sleep disorder. Ready to discuss? okay, let's start. B)
Primary sleep disorders result from an endogenous disturbance in sleep-wake generating or timing mechanisms, often complicated by behavioral conditioning. The primary type is divided into two, parasomnias and dyssomnias.
The examples of parasomnias are sleep terror disorder, sleepwalking, and nightmare disorder. What about dyssomnias? well, dyssomnias is a primary sleep disorder that has relation with the quality of sleep and amount, such as narcolepsy (a sleep disorder that causes excessive sleepiness and frequent daytime sleep attacks), breathing-related sleep disorder (sleep apnea), and circadian rhythm sleep disorder (a sleep disorder that is related to the timing of sleep within the 24 hour day. circadian literally means around the day.).

Secondary sleep disorders is just an addition of primary sleep disorders. There are more than 50 secondary sleep disorders that have been identified, such as snoring, bed wetting, teeth grinding, and many other conditions.

further information, you can check this site out:



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