Monday, March 12, 2012

Dehydration in Children

This is a scenario about dehydration in children.
A 18 month old child has got frequent stools and vomiting. Symptoms have been present for 3 days. stools as watery with no mucus or blood. He's unable to keep anything down, vomiting after every feeding, even water. Six episodes of diarrhea and four episodes of vomiting per day. He attended daycare when he was well. There are some other symptoms appear: somnolent, tachycardia, his distal of extremities are cold, skin turgor is diminished. The doctor gives him a plan C re-hydration and considers giving antibiotic and zinc.
Now, we're gonna discuss this scenario. Get ready! :B
We start from unfamiliar terms. I think the unfamiliar terms are:

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Latest Medicine for Alzheimer's Disease

Find out the latest medicine for Alzheimer's disease:

Beta Thalassemia: the scenario

I found my old file and got this scenario for plenary discussion. haha :B
This scenario is about thalassemia.
Wanna know the scenario? Let's take a look:

A mother brings her 2 year old son to a pediatrician. She just recently observes that her son looks pale. She also just realized that her son is smaller than his peer. His elder sister, 4 years old is completely healthy without such complaints.
After taking clinical history and physical examination, the doctor decide to proceed with additional examinations. Blood examination reveals severe anemia with decreased MCV abd MCH. On peripheral blood smear, there are marked anisocytosis and poikilocytosis with many nucleated red cells, contracted red cells and polychromasia.

Cardiology Explained Ebook

For you who wanna learn about cardiology.
This, I give you the "Cardiology Explained" ebook by Euan A Ashley and Josef Niebauer.
click this link below to download. it's free! :B

enjoy and CHEERS! :B

Friday, March 9, 2012

Blood Cells and Transfusion

Blood is one of the main parts of our body. We can't live without blood. Do you know why? of course because blood plays the main role of controlling our body regulations. This is my note that I got from my tutorial class about blood and transfusion. enjoy! :B
Whole blood:
  • red cell concentrate
  • platelet concentrate
  • fresh frozen plasma
  • cryoprecipitate
  • white cells (buffy coat)

Types of Sleep Disorders

Last post we already knew about sleep disorder. so now, it's time to talk about the type. :B
Well, there are two main types of sleep disorder, primary and secondary sleep disorder. Ready to discuss? okay, let's start. B)
Primary sleep disorders result from an endogenous disturbance in sleep-wake generating or timing mechanisms, often complicated by behavioral conditioning. The primary type is divided into two, parasomnias and dyssomnias.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Sleep Disorder

Some of my friends call me a nocturnal human. Do you know what nocturnal means? let's see!
adj nocturnal [nokˈtəːnl]
1 active at night The owl is a nocturnal bird.
2 happening at night a nocturnal encounter.

From the definition above we know that nocturnal means active at night, such as owl. So now, if I am called as a nocturnal human, it means that I'm active at night. haha. well, not really. I also do my work, go to school and other activities at bright. But, sometimes it's hard to sleep at night. Many of my friends have the same problem. We active at night because hard to sleep, but then when the day comes the problems come along. Sometimes it's hard to concentrate on what we do, so it's really disturbing because lack of sleep. 

Friday, March 2, 2012


welcome to my new blog. yay! :B
this blog is created to share anything bout health.
discuss about disease and its symptoms, the latest medical treatment, journal, and some articles bout medicine. well, even I'm not a medical student, as a common people we at least we know about some diseases and its symptoms so we can decrease and prevent the worst adverse effects. I hope this blog will give some beneficial information for you.